Friday, July 30, 2010

Rujak Cingur--An East Javanese Specialty

Rujak cingur is an East Javanese specialty. Rujak is a kind of fruit and vegetable salad popular in Indonesia and Malaysia that combines ripe and unripe fruit, along with raw and cooked vegetables for a crisp, tart and sweet explosion of tastes and textures on the tongue.  Different cultures favor different combinations of ingredients and sauces, so the rojak made by Indians in Malaysia is a totally different beast from that made by Chinese in Singapore or Madurese in East Java.

What makes rujak cingur unique, besides its liberal use of petis udang (a tar-like fermented shrimp paste popular in Java) in its sauce, is the inclusion of cingur--water buffalo snout.  Boiled and sliced into bite-sized pieces, it adds an extra dimension to the rujak. 

According to my sister-in-law, Lili, this Madurese woman makes the best rujak cingur in Kediri.  Not an aficionado myself, I’ll take her word for it.  Typical of many hawkers in Java, she has no set spot from which she sells her rujak, but carries her makings with her and prepares each salad to order, deftly assembling a salad as she slices pieces of fruit and grinds her sauce to each customer’s preference of spiciness. 

Walking home from school after picking up my niece, we got several orders to go.  Not a fan of spicy food, she watched to make sure no extra chilies were slipped into her order.  Wrapped in banana leaf with the sauce kept separate in a small plastic bag, it made a perfect after school snack, nutritious and tasty.


  1. without local conection, it's hard to find such treat!

    May I ask what kind of background music is in the video slide show?


  2. The "tart and sweet explosion" sounds tasty. I am placing a request for this salad.
    papa bob

  3. ATOLF,

    The background music is Javanese Gamelan from Condhong Raos Gamelan Orchestra, Directed By: DJarot Sabdono / Origina Javanese Gamelan Music - Gending-Gending Instrumentalia. The song is Alun-Alun (the town square).

    If you ever come down from the mountains, we'll have to make it for you.

  4. While I tried rujak cingur in Madura, it tasted different with the one in Java. In Madura, it's saltier due to the use of a different petis, petis ikan.

  5. I was given this in Java, and manfully struggled through it even the 'strange fatty lumps' that made me feel sick to eat, as it was bought for me as a treat.

    I was only told after about the water Buffalo - now on my list of food to avoid !!!


If you have any questions you would like me to answer, please e-mail me. Otherwise, please check back on the post where you commented for any updates.